CHT announces new Board Chair and Trustees
On behalf of the CHT Board of Trustees, I am very pleased to announce some changes to the CHT Board of Trustees, as the organisation enters its next chapter.
Firstly, I would like to thank Graeme Edmond for his enormous contribution over 17 years serving on the Board, as both a Trustee and Chair. Graeme’s vision and ambition to see CHT secure its future as a leading aged care provider has been a driving force behind where we are today.
I am pleased to have taken on the role of Chair from Graeme and to lead the search for new Board members, which has been extensive and considered, seeking out those who hold a shared passion for our values and purpose. With a wealth of experience in healthcare and complementary skills, we warmly welcome Terry Moore and Alex Price to the Board.
An experienced healthcare executive and director in both private and public healthcare, Terry Moore recently retired as CEO at Southern Cross Healthcare after 20+ years in senior leadership roles and brings strong financial and commercial skills and experience.
Terry is excited to join the CHT Board, noting that the ‘not for profit’ values and culture of CHT align well with his personal beliefs. He looks forward to the continuation of growth of CHT, so more residents can benefit and enjoy the Compassion, Companionship, Care, Comfort and Connectedness that we continue to provide.
Alex Price brings a wealth of experience from over two decades in the healthcare sector across a number of countries, including as Chief Executive at Fertility Associates since 2007. Alongside his role on the CHT Board, he is also Chair of Shorecare, an urgent care clinic group on Auckland’s North Shore. Previously he has held Board roles with the National Health Committee and Peak Primary, a primary care group.
Providing affordable healthcare is a continuing challenge for many societies and with a growing elderly population in Aotearoa New Zealand, Alex is passionate about bringing his skills to the Board to help tackle this issue in aged care.
We welcome Terry and Alex and look forward to another successful year taking great care of older people across our network of care homes.
Raewyn Lovett, Chair, CHT